61. Ortega Z (2023) Antarctic expedition: new opportunities for women in science. Primer Encuentro Internacional de Transferencia Científica. Conservación de la Biodiversidad, Cambio Climático y Liderazgo Femenino, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande (Brasil). Invited conference.â
60. Ortega Z (2023) Women in science: context and challenges to achieve equality. Primer Encuentro Internacional de Transferencia Científica. Conservación de la Biodiversidad, Cambio Climático y Liderazgo Femenino, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Invited conference.
59. Garrido-Bautista J, Ortega Z, Bakkali M, Jowers M, Comas M, Moreno-Rueda G (2023) Genotypic and phenotypic divergence: the role of fine-scale habitat heterogeneity in shaping the optimal clutch size. XVIII Congreso Nacional y XV Iberoamericano de Etología y Ecología Evolutiva, Badajoz, Spain. Conference.
58. Ortega Z, Crespo-Vallés J, Giroux A, Attias N, Börger L, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2023) Human presence hinders behavioral thermoregulation of capybaras. VI International Congress of Biodiversity and Conservation, Huelva, Spain. Conference.
57. Ortega Z, Crespo-Vallés J, Giroux A, Attias N, Börger L, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2023) Temperature effects on mammals daily movement: the case of urban capybaras. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, (USA). Conference.
56. Attias N, Giroux A, Desbiez A, Ortega Z, Valle D, Oliveira-Santos LGR, Mourão G (2023) Air temperature shapes the movement behavior of tropical basoendotherms. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, (USA). Conference.
55. Rivas ML, Guirado E, Ortega Z (2023) Beluga whale aggregation disruption due to climate change. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, (USA). Conference.
54. Ortega Z, Rivas ML (2023) Cambiar el paradigma del liderazgo en la educación universitaria: el caso de Homeward Bound (Changing the paradigm of leadership in university education: the case of Homeward Bound). 3º Congreso Internacional de Género y Educación (3rd International Congress on Gender and Education). University of Valladolid, Soria (Spain). Conference.
53. Ortega Z (2023) Gender equality to enhance science and coexistence. Month of Women in Science. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Amazonas (Brazil). Invited conference.
52. Giroux A, Ortega Z, Attias N, Desbiez A, Valle D, Oliveira-Santos, LGR (2022) Giant anteaters alert to the importance of forests to mammals' thermoregulation. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2022, Edinburgh (UK). Conference.
51. Ortega Z (2022) How environmental factors influence the behaviour of wild vertebrates. Biosciences Seminar Series, Swansea University, Swansea (UK). Invited conference.
50. Ortega Z, Giroux A, Attias N, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2022) Translating broad movement modes to daily movement strategies. British Ecological Society Movement Ecology SIG meeting 2022, Glasgow (UK). Conference.
49. Ortega Z, Peinado LC, López-Ballesteros A, Rivas ML (2022) Retrato de la desigualdad de género en el área de Zoología (Overview of gender inequality in the area of Zoology). 2º Congreso Internacional de Género y Educación (2nd International Congress on Gender and Education). University of Valladolid, Soria (Spain). Conference.
48. Ortega Z (2022) We protect what we love and we love what we know: importance of scientific dissemination for the conservation of vertebrates. VII Conference on Biodiversity Conservation, University of Salamanca, Spain. Invited conference.
47. Ortega Z (2022) Women in science: what we achieved so far and what we still need to achieve. 11F – I.E.S. Veleta, Granada. Invited conference.
46. Carpio-Camargo JA, Laguna-Fernández E, Ortega Z, Vicente J, Acevedo P (2021) Direct and indirect effects of supplementary feeding in the prevalence of tuberculosis. XV Congress of the Spanish Association of Mammal Studies and Conservation, Córdoba, Spain. Conference.
45. Acero-Murcia MD, Defler TR, Ortega Z, García-Villaba E, Almario L, López-Camacho R (2021) Seasonal behavioral patterns of the Caquetá titi monkey (Plecturocebus caquetensis). IV Colombian Congress of Mastozoology, Colombia. Conference.
44. Ortega Z (2021) Influence of environmental factors on the behaviour of wild vertebrates. Seminars of the Department of Zoology, University of Granada, Spain. Invited Conference.
43. Ortega Z, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2021) Moonlight, temperature and human effects on daily migration patterns of urban capybara. XV National Congress of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology, Plasencia, Spain. Conference.
42. Weber-Souza FF, Lemos FG, Ortega Z, Giroux A, Lima CFM, Candeias IZ, Freitas MC, Cavalcanti F, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2021) Bringing together cattle production and conservation of carnivores through Hoary foxes’ habitat selection. RABECO, Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Ecologic Science and Conservation, Brasil. Video-poster presentation.
41. Arca-Rubio J, Ortega Z (2021) The effect of season on vehicle-wildlife collisions. V International Congress of Biodiversity and Conservation, Málaga, Spain. Conference.
40. Ortega Z, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2021) Habitat selection for animal conservation in a climate change scenario. V International Congress of Biodiversity and Conservation, Málaga, Spain. Conference.
39. Ortega Z, Peinado LC, López-Ballesteros A, Rivas ML (2021) Evitemos la discriminación machista en el trabajo de campo (Let's avoid sexist discrimination in fieldwork). 1º Congreso Internacional de Género y Educación (1st International Congress on Gender and Education). University of Valladolid, Soria (Spain). Conference.
38. Ortega Z (2021) Thermoregulation and movement ecology of terrestrial reptiles and mammals. Evolutive Ecology of Mediterranean Fauna Seminars. Universiy of Granada (Spain). Invited conference.
37. Ortega Z (2021) Homeward Bound project: women leadership against climate change. Congress about Conservation of Biodiversity and Agrosystems, COCEDER, Valladolid (Spain). Invited conference.
36. Ortega Z (2021) Sciencie and activism, more need than ever before. Universidad del Quindío, Armenia (Colombia). Invited conference.
35. Ortega Z (2021) Breaking stereotypes to fix the world. International Day of Women and Girl in Science, Los Naranjos School, Madrid (Spain). Invited conference.
34. Peinado LC, Ortega Z (2020) Perch selection of three species of kingfishers at the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Festival of Ecology, British Ecological Society, London, United Kingdom. Poster presentation.
33. Ortega Z (2020) The age of women leadership in Antarctica, Desgranando Ciencia, HdC Online, Hablando de Ciencia, Spain. Conference.
32. Ortega Z (2020) Climate change at local level: moving from fear to action. Government of Palencia. Palencia, Spain. Invited conference.
31. Ortega Z (2020) The future of women leadership for sustainability. Seminar: Women and Sustainable Communities. Government of Palencia (Villada, Palencia, Spain), 5 March 2020. Invited conference.
30. Ortega Z (2020) Antarctic expedition Homeward Bound: scientific leaders for a sustainable World. Seminar: Women and Science. University of Valladolid (Soria, Spain), 24 February 2020. Invited conference.
29. Ortega Z (2020) The fight of women against climate change’, Fridays For Future, Salamanca, Spain. Invited conference.
28. Ortega Z (2020) Homeward Bound Program. I Seminar on Projects about Women and Girls in Science. University of Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain), 14 February 2020. Invited Conference.
27. Ortega Z (2020) Dream without limits: experiences of a women biologist and Antarctic leader’, #Rompedoras, University of Valladolid, Palencia, Spain (invited conference)
26. Ortega Z (2020) From Palencia to Antarctica for a sustainable planet. Ateneo, Palencia, Spain. Invited Conference.
25. Ortega Z (2020) Thinking the ecological crises from science and women leadership. I.E.S. Recesvinto, Spain. Invited Conference.
24. Ortega Z (2020) Pantanal, the world's largest wetland. Aula de Medio Ambiente Caja de Burgos. World Wetlands Day. (Palencia, Spain), 30 January 2020. Invited conference.
23. Ortega Z. (2019) Integrating ecophysiology and animal movement into science and acting. Mini-Symposium Animal Ecology-Herpetology. BOKU, Vienna, Austria. Invited conference.
22. Ortega Z (2019) How feminism can contribute to a more rich and fair science to everyone. CAFECO Talk. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil. Invited conference.
20. Giroux A, Bertassoni A, Desbiez ALJ, Kluyber D, Massocato GF, Miranda G, Mourão G, Surita L, Attias N, Bianchi R, Gasparotto VPO, Ortega Z, Oliveira-Santos LGR (2019) Linking physiology and movement to understand how forest loss affect the energetic costs of animal thermoregulation. II Movement Ecology Brazil Meeting (Campo Grande, Brazil), 1 July 2019. Conference.
19. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Martins K, Soares P, Ferreira VF, Oliveira-Santos LG (2019) Mixed structural resource selection function (mixed-SRSF) for assessing the contribution of different variables to resource selection. II Movement Ecology Brazil Meeting (Campo Grande, Brazil), 1 July 2019. Conference.
18. Ortega Z (2018) Ecology and Conservation at the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). University of Valladolid (Spain). Invited conference.
17. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Martins K, Soares P, Ferreira VF, Oliveira-Santos LG (2018) Untangling the role of heat sources on microhabitat selection of two neotropical lizards. SINECO – 3rd International Symposium of Ecology. 26-28 September 2018, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil). Poster presentation.
16. Martín-Vallejo J, Ortega Z, Fernández-Gómez MJ (2017) Meta-partition as useful technique to analyse biological data: Study of the main factors affecting the thermoregulation of lacertid lizards. CEB 2017 XVI Spanish Biometric Conference. 13-15 September 2017, Sevilla (Spain). Poster presentation.
15. Ortega Z. Thermoregulation in lacertid lizards (2017). VIII Brazilian Congress of Herpetology, 14-18 August 2017, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil). Invited conference.
14. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Pérez-Mellado V (2017) Antipredatory behaviour of the high mountain lizard Iberolacerta aurelioi to the chemical cues of Vipera aspis in the Pyrenees. VIII Brazilian Congress of Herpetology, 14-18 August 2017, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil). Conference.
13. Ortega Z, Martín-Vallejo J, Pérez-Mellado V (2017) General trends in the thermoregulation of lacertid lizards: a meta-analysis. VIII Brazilian Congress of Herpetology, 14-18 August 2017, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil). Conference.
12. Mencía A, Ortega Z (2017) Sexual dimorphism in five species of mountain lizards. VIII Brazilian Congress of Herpetology, 14-18 August 2017, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil). Conference.
11. Mencía A, Ortega Z (2017) The behaviour of the Iberian rock lizard, Iberolacerta monticola, to the chemical cues predatory and non-predatory snakes and their comparison with other species of the genus Iberolacerta. VIII Brazilian Congress of Herpetology, 14-18 August 2017, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil). Conference.
10. Ortega Z (2017) Lacertid’s body size and shape adaptations for thermoregulation. Museum für Naturkunde of Berlin (Germany), 21 February 2017. Invited conference.
9. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Antipredatory responses of the lizards of Menorca to the scents of snakes: from tameness to wariness. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology, Granada (Spain), 20-23 September 2016. Conference.
8. Mencía A, Ortega Z, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Not so naïve: Ibiza wall lizards acquired the ability to recognize alien snakes in a few years. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology, Granada (Spain), 20-23 September 2016. Conference.
7. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Iberian rock lizards of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) take good advantage of the rocky substrates to regulate body temperatures. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology, Granada (Spain), 20-23 September 2016. Poster presentation.
6. Mencía A, Ortega Z, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Subtle differences in the antipredatory behaviour of Iberolacerta cyreni lizards to chemicals of their two predatory snakes. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology, Granada (Spain), 20-23 September 2016. Poster presentation.
5. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Thermal biology of high mountain lizards of the genus lberolacerta: the threat imposed by climate change. 17th Sede Boqer Symposium in Memory of Merav Ziv, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus (Israel), 31 March 2016. Conference.
4. Ortega Z, Mencía A, Pérez-Mellado V (2016) Wind constraints on the thermoregulation of high mountain lizards. 3rd Young Natural History Meeting, National Museum of Natural History, Paris (France), February of 2016. Poster Presentation.
3. Pérez-Mellado V, Pérez-Cembranos A, Ortega Z, Mencía A (2014) Biology and conservation of the Ibiza wall lizard. International day of the environment. Sant Jordi de Sa Talaia, Ibiza (Spain), June of 2014. Conference.
2. Pérez-Mellado V, Ortega Z, Alonso T, Guerra C, Villa A, Garrido M (2008) Behavioral thermoregulation of two populations of the Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi (Squamata, Lacertidae). 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin. Lesvos (Greece), June of 2008. Conference.
1. Pérez-Mellado V, Hernández-Estévez JA, Herrero C, García-Díez T, Domínguez A, Ortega Z, Garrido M, Guerra C, Villa A, Alonso-Fernández MT (2006) Seagulls and lizards, a study on a supposed interaction. Technical Congress about Conservation. Formentor, Mallorca (Spain), October of 2006. Conference and poster presentation.